Vortrag DO YOU HAVE TIME TO KILL ME TODAY? von Stine Marie Jacobsen

02. Juni 2017, 10 – 13 Uhr

Vielen Dank an die Künstlerin Stine Marie Jacobsen für ihren Vortrag „DO YOU HAVE TIME TO KILL ME TODAY? und die Diskussion mit unseren TeilnehmerInnen.

“Stine Marie Jacobsen will talk about her socially engaged art projects and give an introduction into her overall practice of long term art projects and collaborations with non-art institutions.

The work of Stine Marie Jacobsen focuses on themes such as film, language, gender, violence, death, taboos, anonymity, psychology. She conducts performative experiments and creates platforms for critical thinking and new ways of looking at ethics, identity, control, fear and trust.

Stine has conceptualised and worked on a number of participatory projects and is the founder of Direct Approach, a contemporary anti-violence project as well as Law Shifters, a workshop project with lawyers that organises court case events with teenagers, where real lawsuits are rejudged and law writing workshops based on discussions on rights in private and public space. Both projects decode violence and law individually and collectively through participatory means.” (Stine Marie Jacobsen)

Weitere Informationen auf der STINE MARIE JACOBSEN und DIRECT APPROACH Webseite.



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