Become a Friend

The BAI Friends Program was launched with the aim of providing access to single sections/parts of our programs addressing those who cannot make it to participate in the entire block structure of our studio program or former participants who want to stay in touch with the institute. As a participant in the Friends Program you are invited to attend the lectures and visits in the framework of the BAI Studio Program and the BAI Spring Academy. Before the start of each block you will receive the program details. 

For more information and registration please send a message to:

 There is a one-off registration fee of 50 €.
1 year (13 blocks) = 390 €

The fees are VAT-exempt by the Governing Mayor of Berlin – Senate Chancellery Higher Education and Research pursuant to Paragraph 4 No. (21) (a)(bb) UStG (German Value Added Tax Act).

The participation fee is payable immediately after the BAI confirms the successful acceptance in writing. Please do not make a payment before receiving a final confirmation by the BAI.

Our Recent Events

  • Studio Visit to Ben Cottrell
  • Studio Visit to Ben Cottrell
  • Studio Visit to Ben Cottrell
  • Studio Visit to Ben Cottrell
  • Studio Visit to Ben Cottrell
  • Studio Visit to Ben Cottrell
  • Studio Visit to Ben Cottrell
  • Studio Visit to Ben Cottrell
  • Studio Visit to Ben Cottrell

Studio Visit to Ben Cottrell

August 7th, 2024|0 Comments

August 07, 2024 at 3 pm Many thanks to the artist Ben Cottrell welcoming our participants to his studio and providing a comprehensive insight into the development of his artistic projects. The visit is part [...]