17. Februar 2022, 10 – 14 Uhr
Vielen Dank an die Künstler*in Elif Saydam für den Vortrag F*rgiveness & die Arbeitsbesprechungen mit unseren Teilnehmer*innen innerhalb des Studioprogrammes am BAI | Kunstschule, Kunstinkubator, Artist in Residence und Live Onlinekurse & -klassen in Berlin.
„Stamps, stickers, or butterflies, every good collection requires an audience to verify its existence. Accumulating and sharing what we are specifically attentive to as subjects is a pointing-to, a relating, a key to survival; like so many other things, it’s a matter of endurance. Deciding how much to cull from a reference and how much to leave behind requires a carefully poised sensitivity towards refinement or tastelessness (pick your poison), but the artist knows the open secret best: her archive will survive only if she is aware of its limits and inadequacies at creating a convincing picture.
Inclusive and exclusive of the Western canon of painting, this lecture will consider the construction of aesthetic value systems in relation to archiving and collecting. Thinking through camp, kitsch, and the Decorative, Elif will present recent works and examine how aesthetic categories shape the worlds we build both in and out of the studio.“ (Text: Courtesy Elif Saydam)
Elif Saydam incorporates writing, sculpture and performance into an expanded painting practice. They have shown their work at Kunsthalle Bern; Kunstverein Harburger Bahnhof, Hamburg; Kunstverein Nürnberg; KW Institute for Contemporary Art, Berlin, and the Montréal Biennale, among others. Together with Vera Palme, Saydam co-wrote the pulp novel Desecration of Descent (Broken Dimanche Press, 2018) and is currently working on a monograph with Mousse Publishing (2021) as part of the Krupp Kataloge für junge Künstler Prize. They graduated from Städelschule in the class of Monika Baer and Amy Sillman in 2016, and live and work in Berlin.
Weitere Informationen auf der Tanya Leighton Webseite.