16. Dezember 2021, 10 – 14:30 Uhr
Vielen Dank an den Filmemacher Rouzbeh Rashidi für seinen Vortrag Not a life filmed, but filmmaking as parallel to life, and a parallel life & die Arbeitsbesprechungen mit unseren Teilnehmer*innen innerhalb des Studioprogrammes am BAI | Kunstschule, Kunstinkubator, Artist in Residence und Live Onlinekurse & -klassen in Berlin.
„In 2011, Rouzbeh Rashidi initiated the Homo Sapiens Project (HSP), an ongoing series of personal experimental video works. Since its inception HSP has undergone a totally organic metamorphosis, drastically mutating from cryptic film diaries and oneiric sketches to fully-polished feature films. As a result, the project has created many different experiences for Rashidi as a filmmaker; yet while HSP is steadily evolving, one thing remains constant: the view to create impressionistic portraits of people and places, suffusing them with an eerie sense of mystery that is perhaps reminiscent of horror and sci-fi cinema. Rashidi has collaborated with a large selection of artists from all over the world and has so far completed 201 instalments that vary in duration. The lecture will debate post-pandemic means of avant-garde cinema productions and investigate what it all means for an experimental filmmaker or moving-image artist with idiosyncratic tendencies.“ (Text: Courtesy Rouzbeh Rashidi)
Rouzbeh Rashidi (born in Tehran, 1980) is an Iranian-Irish filmmaker. He has been making films since 2000, at which time he founded the Experimental Film Society in Tehran. Rashidi has always worked entirely away from mainstream conceptions of filmmaking, striving to escape conventional storytelling stereotypes. Instead, he roots his cinematic style in a poetic interaction of image and sound. He generally eschews scriptwriting, seeing the process of making moving images as exploration rather than illustration. His work is deeply engaged with film history, and primarily concerned with mysticism, philosophy, esotericism, cosmology, phenomenology, and hauntology. The films are wildly experimental and often surrealist, magical realist, and mysterious, and have been associated with the Remodernist movement. They are unified by his oneiric imagination, idiosyncratic working methods, and the dreamlike experience of watching them.
Weitere Informationen auf der Rouzbeh Rashidi Webseite.