Vortrag ARTIST TALK/ING von Dafna Maimon

Vortrag ARTIST TALK/ING von Dafna Maimon

19. März 2019, 10 – 14 Uhr

Vielen Dank an die Künstlerin Dafna Maimon für ihren Vortrag Artist Talk/ing und die Arbeitsbesprechungen mit unseren Teilnehmer*innen innerhalb des Studioprogrammes am BAI | Kunstschule & Artist in Residence in Berlin.

„Dafna Maimon’s work can be described as a series of rebellious emotional landscapes; something they depict, but also something that they are.

Her artistic practice is concerned with the reordering of social codes under capitalist consumption in order to re-channel the agency of the individual toward autonomy and to demand a space for closure. Maimon’s work, in particular, deconstructs patriarchal structures and plays with them through exaggeration, substitution, re-contextualization and détournement, allowing individuals to find new ways to make the most of their lives and sense of self. This process can manifest in the creation of anything from performative mini-institutions of their own, in which audiences can participate for several days, or “directed-experiences” lasting a few hours, to immersive performances, films or installations that generate space for reflection, stillness and catharsis.

In the talk she will present a recent series of exhibitions and performances from her project Family Business: Orient Express.“ (Text: Courtesy Dafna Maimon)

Weitere Informationen auf der DAFNA MAIMON Webseite.


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