Das UKRAINIAN INSTITUTE – Український інститут wird Partner im BAI Residenzprogramm am BERLIN ART INSTITUTE mit dem Start eines internationalen Programms EXTER, das den ersten öffentlichen Aufruf an ukrainische Künstler*innen, Kurator*innen und Kritiker*innen zur Teilnahme an Kunstresidenzen im Laufe des Jahres 2019 ankündigt. Die erste Runde des Programms bietet kurzfristige Aufenthaltsmöglichkeiten in acht Institutionen in ganz Österreich, Deutschland, Italien, Spanien und USA.
Gemäß der Vereinbarung zwischen dem Ukrainian Institute und dem Berlin Art Institute stehen 2019 zwei voll finanzierte Residenzen für ukrainischeKünstler*innen, Kurator*innen und Kritiker*innen zur Verfügung: 10. Block: 09.09. bis 04.10.2019 & 11. Block: 07.10. bis 01.11.2019.
“EXTER is a long-term programme of the Ukrainian Institute aimed at building sustainable partnerships with international art residencies. The programme aims to spark research, processes of exchange and facilitate cooperation of artists, curators and other actors in the sector. EXTER programme involves designing and creating opportunities for international mobility of people, ideas, experience, and practices.
The programme is based on collaboration with leading contemporary art residencies in the countries of the Ukrainian Institute’s activity. Programme partners are organisations and institutions that are well integrated in professional community, have the experience and infrastructure to meet the residents’ needs as well as an extensive network of local contacts. Striving for a balance of self-directed work and curated programming, each individual residency is jointly developed by Ukrainian Institute, partner organisation and the resident based on the latter’s professional needs, local context, and institutional framework. EXTER programme is designed to actively engage participants with the cultural scene of the cities of residency, provide opportunities for networking and public presentation of their practice to foreign audiences.” (Text by courtesy of the Ukrainian Institute)
The programme is named after Oleksandra Exter (Alexandra Exter) (1882 – 1949), a Ukrainian avant-garde artist of international prominence who spent most of her life in Kyiv. Alexandra Exter revolutionised stage design and reconceptualised Ukrainian folk culture by fusing abstract art with traditional embroidery patterns and crafting practices. A refined intellectual well-versed in several European languages, she traveled extensively around the world and was friends with Picasso, Braque, Léger, Apollinaire, Soffici, and Marinetti, among others. Founder of her own school in Kyiv and Odesa, Exter was a bridge between the world of the Ukrainian avant-garde and new art of Western Europe.
In der ersten Ausgabe des EXTER-Programms im Jahr 2019 finanziert das Ukrainian Institute Kurzaufenthalte für ukrainischeKünstler*innen, Kurator*innen und Kritiker*innen in den folgenden Partnerinstitutionen und -programmen:
Ars Electronica (Linz, Österreich)
BERLIN ART INSTITUTE (Berlin, Deutschland)
Curators’ Agenda 2019 (Vienna, Österreich)
International Studio & Curatorial Program (New York, USA)
R.A.R.O. (Madrid, Spanien)
< rotor > (Graz, Österreich)
Viafarini (Milan, Italien)
Visiting Curators 2019 (Vienna, Österreich)
Weitere Informationen auf der UKRAINIAN INSTITUTE Webseite.