Im Rahmen des Basiskurses Kunst in der Nachbarschaft realisierte die Künstlerin Nataliya Scheib eine Intervention im öffentlichen Raum an der Kreuzung Roelkestraße und Gehringstraße in Berlin-Weißensee.
Peekaboo – I See You, September 2015
Rotes Acrylglas auf Ziegelwand, künstliche Edelsteine
Ca. 5 cm Durchmesser x 5 cm Höhe
Definition: Peekaboo is a game, where one player hides his face, than pops up into the view of the other, saying “Peekaboo”, sometimes followed by “I see you”.
“My idea for this piece was to evoke a surprise, a curiosity, amusement with something unexpected.
The conus-shaped small red object, which looks like a nose, is a curiosity of itself. Positioned on a painted all-white wall, the red color becomes very noticeable and also adds a bit of “danger” factor, as the existing sign on a door suggests. I intentionally placed it below the eye-level and off-center to increase even more the curiosity factor and to question the purpose of its existence. Inside the red object, I placed two clear artificial gemstones to attract yet even more attention and interest.
The title “I See You” brings up the question: who sees whom? Does the viewer sees the red piece, or does the “Peekaboo”, a small inconspicuous object settled on a wall, is able to witness the events and people passing by, without being noticed?” (Nataliya Scheib)