25. Oktober 2019, 19 – 21 Uhr
Vielen Dank an den Künstler Jeremy Hawkes (Australien) für die Realisierung der Ausstellung C(o)RPS(e) – An Exhibition of Paintings and Works on Paper in 404 | BAI innerhalb des Studioprogrammes am BAI | Kunstschule, Kunstinkubator & Artist in Residence in Berlin.
Eröffnung: 25. Oktober 2019, 19 – 21 Uhr
Ausstellungsdauer: 26. – 30. Oktober 2019
Adresse: An der Industriebahn 12–16, 13088 Berlin, Gebäude 404, 2. OG
“This selection of works is taken from a body of work undertaken during a 4-month residency at the Berlin Art Institute. They are an exploration of bodily difference, corporeality and the intersections of various identities. As an artist who identifies as both queer and living with a disability, these works are a real departure from previous works in both style and content. I have attempted to give voice to the experience of my body as a site of pathology, mortality and desire – framed within the context of experience as contingency… How we navigate ourselves and the world in a state of evolution and degeneration. Living with a variety of symptoms which effect both perception and mark-making (dystonia, proprioception, complex regional pain syndrome), these works are internal dialogues made visible.
I would like to thank the BAI for all their support and guidance and Create NSW, whose generous support in the form of a Professional Development Fellowship this residency would not have been possible.” (Text by courtesy of Jeremy Hawkes)
Weitere Informationen auf der Jeremy Hawkes Webseite.
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