08. Januar 2020, 16 Uhr
Vielen Dank an die Kuratorin & Museologin Marie DuPasquier für ihre Einführung in die Konzeption & das Programm von DISPLAY und für die Führung für unsere Teilnehmer*innen durch die Ausstellung Es Kommt Darauf An And So Weiter von Robin Michel & Shirin Yousefi, kuratiert von Olivia Fahmy. Der Besuch ist Teil des BAI Studioprogrammes | Kunstschule, Kunstinkubator & Artist in Residence in Berlin.
Ausstellungsdauer: 13. Dezember 2019 – 12. Januar 2020
Öffnungszeiten: Mittwoch, Samstag, Sonntag, 14 – 18 Uhr (nur während der Ausstellungen) & nach Vereinbarung
Adresse: Mansteinstr. 16, 10738 Berlin
„Robin Michel (*1973, Vevey) and Shirin Yousefi (*1986, Tehran) work with distinct approaches. While the former produces artworks with an obvious plasticity that only awaits to be seen in the exhibition space – which he delights in refusing –, the latter produces forms only according to a context and following a methodology that adapts itself through the time and space of the exhibition. Yet both address the questions of distance, of those who are in the margins, or what is the margin itself, as well as challenging the very notions of the center and the periphery.
Thus, despite an apparent methodological confrontation, the two artists interrogate and sometimes criticize the centre of political, economic and artistic power. They are interested in the unseen, in forms intentionally evacuated. Therefore, they chose to approach Display art space – which aims notably to question the exhibition space as a form – as a common work space, by co-working or working side by side, inspired by the practices already activated in the place. Each of the artist’s research has become a method that leads to a common proposal.“ (Text: Courtesy Olivia Fahmy)
Weitere Informationen auf der DISPLAY Webseite.