September 18 – 19, 2018, 10 am – 1 pm

Many thanks to the artist Nikola Röthemeyer for her workshop introducing our participants to “EXPERIMENTAL DRAWING – Translations and Inventions & Compositions and Narrations” during the basic course.

Translations and Inventions

In this course we will explore the possibilities and limits of analytical drawing. In two experiments, we will translate abstract structures from photographs and real life objects. While drawing, we are going to investigate the advantages and disadvantages of both methods. Drawing a black and white photo confronts us with boundaries and options! We want to embrace both and grasp all possibilities while creating an exciting drawing. Our experiments will intensify our ability to see and perceive and also reinforce our awareness for the choices which we, consciously or unconsciously, take during each drawing process!

Compositions and Narrations

The experiment »Overhead« will confront us with the problems and delightful options of the bold and simple! It’s all about form, tension, concentration and diffusion. Simple forms will become allies in a greater story. We will use cutouts as a quick and fun tool to create, change and generate exciting compositions. We will activate gaps and in-between spaces as actors on the stage of our drawing. We will investigate how contrasting colors, forms and the distribution of light can help us to create a strong and genuine drawing.” (Text by courtesy of Nikola Röthemeyer)

More information on the NIKOLA RÖTHEMEYER Website.