04. April 2017, 10 – 13 Uhr
Vielen Dank an den Künstler Aykan Safoğlu für seinen Vortrag „TO ART IS A RECIPROCAL VERB“ und die Arbeitsbesprechungen mit unseren TeilnehmerInnen.
“Aykan Safoğlu yearns to find forms of friendship. Often with participatory aspects, his artistic practice is non-medium-specific, trespassing various disciplines. By keeping the dialectics of a friendship at the center of his artistic strategy, Safoğlu tenderly revisits contemporary notions of community, gender and migration. In his recent video and performance work, Safoğlu re-introduces known analog and digital image-making techniques in order to intervene in widespread narratives of social norms and to conflate binary perceptions.” (Aykan Safoğlu)
Für weitere Informationen lies Safoğlus Interview mit seiner Freundin/Kollaborateurin Gülşen Aktaş auf der MAKHZIN MAGAZINE Webseite.