Im Rahmen des Basiskurses Kunst in der Nachbarschaft realisierte die Künstlerin Schuyler Hazard Interventionen im öffentlichen Raum an der früheren Radrennbahn Weißensee und am Prenzlauer Berg in Berlin.

Litfaßsäule (Advertising column), September/Oktober 2015

False Advertisement
, Oktober/November 2015
Mixed Media Collage

“When first seeing the advertisements covering ever centimeter of Berlin I was immediately drawn to the accidental collages made by layering on ad on top of the other. Each advertisement was so exaggerated, in order to attract attention. I thought it would be an interesting concept to take these posters, in their preexisting layers, and begin to advertise events, bands, and movie screening, which do not exist; in doing this, those who notice the public art will be rewarded in a sense – and hopefully find the humor in these ridiculous ads as well. By intervening with these pieces in a public space – in the streets of Prenzlauer Berg, around the Eberswalder Straße Station – I wanted to create something that would blend in among the ads, and be seen by those who stop long enough in their busy days to look closer.” (Schuyler Hazard)



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