Workshop TAKE CARE by Anna Karpenko & Asta Herta

Workshop TAKE CARE by Anna Karpenko & Asta Herta

November 01, 2018, 1 pm – 2 pm

Many thanks to the independent curator, cultural manager & researcher Anna Karpenko and the theatre director Asta Herta for their workshop “TAKE CARE” with our participants.

“In the Future,
everyone will be curator for 15 minutes”
inspired by A.Warhol

Curating today has the reference not only to artistic field but to the wide range of phenomenon: from digital paths of systematization to management strategies in business.

From Latin Curare – curating means take care.

Can we say for sure today that this etymological sense is still actual for the practice of communication between artist and curator? What does it mean to take care in artistic context?

Performative Experiment released by Anna Karpenko, Asta Herta and participants of Berlin Art Institute investigated how the term curating could be defined on action within a concrete context of commonly shared time-space-body-art.

During one hour and three 15 minutes-sessions different artists (individually and collectively) expressed their notions toward taking care.

The exhibition we had as a result had no curator. Because everybody had done curating as taking care.” (Text by courtesy of Anna Karpenko)

Anna Karpenko is an independent curator and art manager. Graduated from the Faculty of Philosophy of the Belarusian State University, Master of Arts at the European Humanities University (Vilnius, Lithuania). Master degree in Sociology. Her research interests include institutional criticism in the field of contemporary art, theory and history of curatorial practice. She lives and works in Minsk, Belarus.

Asta Herta is the Theatre Director of Teaterkandidaterne. Her passion for directing started already during the theatre school Teaterbutikken, where she was given the opportunity to learn more than ´just being an actor´. Her background includes theatre education and directing for the children theatre school. Asta is a graduate from Ryslinge Teaterhøjskole and founder of the young collective Teaterkandidaterneyoung. She lives and works in Copenhagen, Denmark.


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