December 15, 2015, 1 pm

Many thanks to the gallerist Jan-Philipp Sexauer introducing our participants to the gallery concept and guiding us through the exhibition “Looks like you tried to go somewhere that does not exist” by Ornella Fieres at SEXAUER gallery.

Exhibition Dates: November 28, 2015 – January 9, 2016
Location: SEXAUER Gallery
Opening Hours: Tuesday – Saturday, 1 – 6 PM
Address: Streustraße 90, 13086 Berlin

Ornella Fieres toys with our senses and wits. The artist takes analogue and digital photographs. She takes photos of reality and of images. Images that she paints using the computer programme Photoshop and images that become visible on screens. Some of the photographed images resemble reality. Others are loose image inventions. We can never be sure what it is that we are seeing. This not-knowing relates to the images themselves as well as the depicted. And even if Ornella Fieres’ photographs depict something that really took place, it is never entirely clear whether what we see is a document or a mise-en-scène. Ornella Fieres deceives our viewing patterns and expectations but she also shows that we–children of the Internet age–can cope with that insecurity without a problem.” (This passage of the press release is based on thoughts and excerpts from a catalogue text by Tina Sauerländer.)

More information on the SEXAUER Gallery website.