April 27, 2018, 12 noon
Many thanks to the curator Rüdiger Lange introducing our participants to the concept of the group show “NO PLACE / LIKE HOME” and to the gallery director Carlos Hurtado, both guiding us through the two exhibitions at GLINT.
Exhibition Dates: April 27 – May 12, 2018
Location: GLINT
Opening Hours: Wed – Sat, 1 – 7 PM
Address: Glinkastraße 17, 10117 Berlin
Artists presented in the exhibition:
No Place: Sven Braun, Juan Fernando Herrán, Mauro Giaconi, Pipo Hernández Rivero, Fritzia Irizar, Russell Maltz, Moris, Omar Rodríguez-Graham, Kevin Simón Mancera
Like Home: Carla Bertone, Isabelle Borges, Pablo Griss, Carla Guagliardi, Maria Muñoz, Gonzalo Reyes Araos, Francisco Rozas, Carlos Silva, Alejandro Stein, sowie Franz Küsters und Birgit Hölmer
“No Place / Like Home: Nowhere is better than home. The title of the group show located in the neo classicist building GLINT on the corner of Glinka- and Taubenstraße in Berlin-Mitte is promising. Home – this special place where thoughts can roam safely into the distance. At the same time the title refers to an exciting constellation, which takes place in the 450 sqm space of the first floor – NO PLACE / LIKE HOME brings together two exhibition concepts under one roof and thus combines the local with the global in an extraordinary way.
As a result of shared interests and goals, No Place is also the title of a project founded by four international galleries Arróniz (Mexico City), Michael Sturm (Stuttgart), NF / NIEVES FERNÁNDEZ (Madrid) and Nueveochenta (Bogotá). The kick-off exhibition took place in a historic building in Lima (Peru) in April 2017. Ten artistic positions were presented in order to promote their works to an international audience and to make them visible in an unusual setting off the beaten track. In addition to showing a selection of artists under the name No Place, the central idea of No Place is that the risks and costs are shared by all partners and that profits are accorded to the project as a whole.
This collaboration will now be continued in Berlin under the same name while at the same time being confronted by an exciting counterpart: Berlin based curator Rüdiger Lange (loop – raum für aktuelle kunst) will present in his exhibition Like Home the diversity of international influences on Berlin’s art scene – exemplified by works of art from artists which have strong ties to Latin America and to Berlin. Lange recently illuminated the GLINT space with light art in the exhibition „Standard International #4 Spatial Clearings”, which received a lot of attention.
The exhibition No Place / Like Home sees itself as a temporary fusion of two independent formats taking place during Gallery Weekend 2018. Moreover, it merges three kinds of exhibition formats – fairs, galleries and curated group shows in a special setting, and takes on a (recent) Berlin practice of bringing together innovation and event by breaking out of the familiar. The historic ensemble of GLINT offers an adequate space for the unfolding of this exhibition concept.” (Text by courtesy of no place & Rüdiger Lange)
More information on the no place and loop raum Websites.