March 10, 2016, 10 am – 1 pm
Many thanks to the artist Pablo Griss for his lecture “THE RELEVANCE OF CONSISTENCY AS A PROFESSIONAL ARTIST”.
Pablo Griss (born 1971, Caracas, Venezuela) will be making a presentation about his current work and projects. Starting from his student years influenced by great artists, he will revisit his early works, references and influences. We will discuss the creative process, investigating and developing ideas and materials, managing your studio and further considerations from personal experiences. Pablo will share insights from his 25 years experience as a professional artist as well as a former gallery partner.
“Through an approach toward abstraction that incorporates a wide range of styles and media, Pablo Griss constructs poetic interpretations via spatial juxtapositions. ‘I am obsessed with space’ he admits. ‘My work embodies my need to create atmospheres, not recognizable ones but rather spaces that reveal themselves in a peculiar, more poetic way’. Uniting an accomplished geometric draftsmanship with a loose and unconventional painterly style, Griss’s strongly expressionist work weaves back and forth between angular lines and stream-of-consciousness mark-making. Through such stylistic freedom and a devotion to a layered, palimpsest-like approach, the artist lends a sense of visual depth to his works. He also emphasizes the surreal nature of his backgrounds, both inviting the viewer into their environment while simultaneously reminding the viewer of their pure intangibility. At times, Griss’s work seems entirely reliant on geometric abstraction; at other times, as though in a fit of dynamism, these same paintings appear to embody wild organic movement. Perhaps the works find their strongest form of expression when Griss’s regimented shapes begin to collapse upon themselves, suggesting so much more than mere patterning.
‘As a painter in front of the canvas I explore my weaknesses,’ Griss confides. Exploring materiality, including collage, mixed media and gold leaf, he seems eager to establish and then deconstruct his own sense of order, both inside and outside the studio space.“ (100 Painters of Tomorrow. Authored by Kurt Beers, published by Thames & Hudson, 2014, pp. 120-121)
More information on the Pablo Griss Website.