December 12, 2019, 10 am – 2 pm

Many thanks to the artist & activist Khaled Barakeh for his lecture Socially Engaged Art and Artistic Activism: Artists’ responsibility in contemporary societies and discussing the works of our participants within the Studio Program at BAI | Berlin Artist Residency, Art School & Arts Incubator.

“Khaled Barakeh’s practice blurs the borders of conceptual art, social organization, and political activism. Known formerly for meticulously researched, deftly executed conceptual installations which question how we relate to and mediate the atrocities of conflict and forced migration, his work has recently evolved to include a suite of initiatives that leverage artistic thinking to enact tangible change in these areas. In his lecture, and through his personal journey from an expressionist painter in Damascus to his current work as a social organizer, Barakeh will talk about creativity as a medium of change, and the role that today’s artists can play in re-architecting our communities.” (Text by courtesy of Khaled Barakeh)

More information on the Khaled Barakeh & cocultures e.V. Websites.