March 17, 2022, 10 AM – 2 PM

Many thanks to the artist Ulrika Segerberg for her lecture Dating My House – images, words, routines & discussing the works of our participants within the Studio Program at BAI | Berlin Artist Residency, Art School, Arts Incubator, and Live Online Courses & Classes.

“Often my works and texts in some form or other, are based on an existing story or imagery; the references range from popular culture to mythology and folktales. I use these stories to imaginatively catapult myself and the viewer into spaces that we have not previously been able to access. I learn from, and I am inspired by the forgotten Greek goddess Baubo; Stephen King’s protagonist Carrie White or the stories of astrological constellations. Two-dimensional painting is my starting point even as I explore the possibilities and limitations of other materials and mediums. In site-specific installations, I place texts, objects, textiles and sound in relation to each other in order to approach a theme from multiple perspectives. Beside my visual practice I write poems and lyrics and perform them in the electronic duo MATKA and M.O.G. (the Mothers of God).” (Text by courtesy of Ulrika Segerberg)

Ulrika Segerberg (b. 1976 in Eskilstuna, SE) lives and works in Berlin, DE. Segerberg studied at the Gerrit Rietveld Academy, Amsterdam and School of Visual Arts, New York. Her works and performances have been shown at venues including St dtische Galerie Nordhorn, Nordhorn; Dorich House Museum, London; Grimmuseum, Berlin; Västerås Konstmuseum, Västerås, SE; LENTOS Kunstmuseum Linz, AT; dispari&dispari project, Berlin / Reggio Emilia, IT and Hebbel am Ufer, HAU, Berlin.

More information on the Ulrika Segerberg Website.