Vortrag #MAKINGHERITAGE von Jens Casper

26. April 2018, 10:30 – 13:30 Uhr

Vielen Dank an den Architekten Jens Casper für seinen Vortrag „#makingheritage im Rahmen der internationalen BAI Frühlingsakademie. Der Vortrag gibt unseren TeilnehmerInnen einen umfangreichen Einblick in seine Praxis und das Zustandekommen und die Konzeption seiner Projekte.

 Many people think of heritage as something that comes before us, or paternalistically top-down, and that we take over to take care of. This, however, is not the case. Heritage is something that we are making, that we are part of creating, and that is of our choice. Heritage is a proposition and not given.” (Jens Casper)

Jens Casper, Berlin based architect, taught at RWTH Aachen, TU Berlin and BTU Cottbus, and was a Unit Master within the AA Berlin Laboratory of the Architectural Association London. In his lecture he presents and reflects exemplary works, collaborations  generally immersed into the world of art, a manifesto as well as built transformations of unused structures, assigning meaning and significance to listed and non listed heritage.  

Weitere Informationen auf der JENS CASPER Webseite.


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