XX:hair by Tegwen Evans, Kiva Smith & MTMA

The artists Tegwen Evans (participant from September – November 2018) & Kiva Smith (participant from September 2018 – June 2019) produced a short film titled XX:hair within the Studio Program at BAI | Berlin [...]

XX:hair by Tegwen Evans, Kiva Smith & MTMA2020-01-22T17:40:26+02:00

UKRAINIAN INSTITUTE becomes PARTNER in the BAI Residency Program

The UKRAINIAN INSTITUTE – Український інститут becomes partner in the BAI Residency Program at the BERLIN ART INSTITUTE by launching an international program EXTER announcing the first open call for Ukrainian artists, curators and critics to participate in [...]

UKRAINIAN INSTITUTE becomes PARTNER in the BAI Residency Program2019-04-15T13:48:41+02:00
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