November 10 – 11, 2020, 10 am – 1 pm

Many thanks to the artist Anja Tchepets for her workshop introducing our participants to EXPRERIMENTAL DRAWING – Grids & Patterns during the basic course within the Studio Program at BAI | Berlin Artist Residency, Art School, Arts Incubator, and Live Online Courses & Classes.

Grids and Patterns

For centuries, artists used the grid, first mainly as a tool to achieve proportional accuracy, as a drawing tool and later elevated the form from an invisible framework to a feature worthy of the spotlight. Patterns as well are being applied frequently in art, since Ancient Egypt, through the Renaissance till contemporary art practise. Various methods have been invented to work creatively with grids and patterns, helping new artistic possibilities unfold.

In this course we will be looking at some examples of usage of grid and patterns from art history and then experiment with those elements in our own artworks through various exercises. Different approaches and artistic methods will be applied and discussed as a group.” (Text by courtesy of Anja Tchepets)

More information on the Anja Tchepets Website.