July 27, 2017, 10 am – 1 pm
Many thanks to the artist Patricia Lambertus for her lecture “ART TALKS WITH ARCHITECTURE” and discussing the works of our participants.
“Art and architecture are two different disciplines that have a close historical connection. In site-specific installations, art and architecture becomes a total symbiosis – architecture is occupied by art and becomes a part of the artwork. Installation or install comes from the Latin and is called “build in” or “insert”. That means, in order to incorporate an artistic idea, the rules of the place have to be explored in advance. Architectural particularities, atmospheric qualities and the historical and social contexts play an important role in the implementation of a site-specific work. The artistic idea has to be adapted or even created during the site inspection.
What kind of medium can be used that the room starts to talk and get in conversation with the art? Do you want to increase or decrease the space? How far does random play a role? How much reality does an illusion space tolerate? When does a space appropriation function?