October 12, 2022, 2 pm

Many thanks to the gallery owner Alexander Levy introducing our participants to the concept, program & history of alexander levy gallery and guiding us through the exhibitions Trans-Scenic Practice by Mischa Leinkauf and DIASPORAE by Anne Duk Hee Jordan & Pauline Doutreluingne. The visit is part of the BAI Studio Program | Berlin Artist Residency, Art School, Arts Incubator, and Live Online Courses & Classes.

Exhibition Date: September 16 – October 29, 2022
Location: alexander levy gallery
Opening Hours: Wednesday – Saturday, 11 AM – 6 PM
Address: Alt-Moabit 110, 10559 Berlin

“In Mischa Leinkauf’s Trans-Scenic Practice, spaces become scenes for images, concerned with the structural staging of spaces that are often public, yet restricted in access or hidden. His practice is one of passing through, traversing, or overcoming constructed orders. The perspective shifts, allowing connections to appear in a different constellation, the fixed becomes permeable.”

“The work DIASPORAE (2021) explores a non-linear perspective on species migration and the botany of desire. The main protagonist is the fragrant nutmeg spice and its environment, such as the nutmeg pigeon, tropical rainforests, the Dutch East Indies Company, colonial explorers and their narrations, exoticism, the legends of spice, and the exploitations that accompanied the lucrative corporate colonial system.” (Text excerpts from the press release by courtesy of Alexander levy & Kim Gabriel )

More information on the alexander levy Website.