February 10 – 11, 2021, 10 am – 12:30 pm
Many thanks to the artist Anja Tchepets for her online workshop introducing our participants to EXPERIMENTAL DRAWING – Drawing in Lockdown: (De)constructing Narration during the basic course within the Studio Program at BAI | Berlin Artist Residency, Art School, Arts Incubator, and Live Online Courses & Classes.
“Drawing in Lockdown: (De)constructing Narration
In this course we will continue to explore the artistic potential of our private spaces where self isolation / lockdown is taking place. While exploring different ways to represent our immediate surroundings in our artworks, we will concentrate this time on its narrative aspect. Taking inspiration in domestic settings we will be depicting objects around us using range of different drawing approaches, techniques and methods. Self-portrait will be a starting point in our exercises. Furthermore different possibilities of visualisation of time, movement and sounds in our narrative will be looked into and experimented with. Sketchbook format will be used again during this course as an instrument for documentation and reflection offering a possibility to create a kind of a visual Lockdown-diary. The aim of our explorations will be to describe the feelings and a sense attached to a particular space in an attempt to catch poetics of place in our drawings.” (Text by courtesy of Anja Tchepets)
More information on the Anja Tchepets Website.