June 25, 2020, 10 am – 2 pm

Many thanks to the curator, author, musician and moderator Jan “Yaneq” Kage for his lecture Making Space and discussing the works of our participants within the Studio Program at BAI | Berlin Artist Residency, Art School, Arts Incubator & Online Program.

“Berlin is a city in which project spaces had a more driving effect on the art scene within the last 30 years than galleries. Because selling art is an art in itself here. And only a few galleries were able to prosper on an international level. There is a load of artists and curators in town. To get an overview is almost impossible. To attain attention is the task all artists face here. Art/project spaces are one possibility for artists and curators to bring their positions into the the bigger discourse via groupshows. What makes a good space? And how do you build an audience?” (Text by courtesy of Jan Kage)

More information on the KanyaKage & the DAS ARTY Websites.