December 11 – 12, 2018, 10 am – 1 pm
Many thanks to the artist Nikola Röthemeyer for her workshop introducing our participants to “EXPERIMENTAL DRAWING – Translations & Compositions and Translations” during the basic course within the studio program at BAI | Berlin Artist Residency & Art School.
This morning, the profane »wire hanger« is the focus of our attention and the main character on the stage of our drawing. We want to explore the possibilities of stenciling and tracing and how these methods change or influence our handwriting. Is it possible to produce an individual expression when using a stencil? If so, which? What happens, when I translate the wire-hanger-sculpture or its shadows into a drawing? Can I combine both translations in one work? What happens, if I dissolve the norm, bend the wire and use a sculptural object instead of an industrial product as a model for my drawing? How, in the context of surface – space – surface, are forms and objects set into the image? How do the image-borders create tension in my drawing?
Compositions and Translations
Using the »Grid Method« we will translate and upscale an undefinable black and white image with black, white and grey shades of charcoal. The effect is surprising: the less we know about what we draw, the more precise the image becomes. Since the Renaissance the grid-method is often used as a tool as well as the camera obscura , the photo camera and digital means of projection. In the composition »Search and Find« We will use cutouts as a quick and fun tool to create, change and generate exciting compositions.” (Text by courtesy of Nikola Röthemeyer)
More information on the NIKOLA RÖTHEMEYER Website.