February 01, 2023, 2 PM
Many thanks to the gallery director Camila McHugh Barshee introducing our participants to the concept, program & mission of Galerie Molitor and guiding us through the exhibition Love’s Work with Dora Budor, I.N. Cape, Jesse Darling, Ghislaine Leung, Diane Severin Nguyen, Ima-Abasi Okon, Lydia Ourahmane. The visit is part of the BAI Studio Program | Berlin Artist Residency, Art School, Arts Incubator, and Live Online Courses & Classes.
Exhibition Dates: December 09, 2022 – February 25, 2023
Location: Galerie Molitor
Opening Hours: Wednesday – Saturday, 11 AM – 6 PM
Address: Kurfürstenstrasse 143, 10785 Berlin
“Love’s work. The phrase is potent and immediate. It’s persistent—let it get stuck in your head like a line from a pop song. Or follow the trails of its many permutations: what kind of labor belongs to love? Or stems from it? What does it mean to equate the two? Lifted from English philosopher Gillian Rose’s chronicle of her life, published shortly before she died of cancer in 1995, Love’s Work also nods to her reflection on the revelatory power of vulnerability.
This exhibition brings together the work of seven artists who, in wildly varied ways, broach art as a form of love’s work. These are practices that pay attention to desire and attempt to tap into meaning on a material level. Artmaking as love’s work is implicitly experimental—expounding no thesis, feeling for the margins, moving towards the unknown.” (Text by courtesy of Camila McHugh Barshee & Galerie Molitor)
More information on the Galerie Molitor Website.