Wir freuen uns, dass unsere BAI Alumna Demelza Woodbridge am Chelsea College of Arts in London zugelassen wurde. Seit Herbst 2016 nimmt sie am einjährigen Graduate Diploma Fine Art Programm teil! Weitere Information auf der Chelsea College of Arts Webseite.
Demelza Woodbridge schreibt über ihre Teilnahme am Studioprogramm des BERLIN ART INSTITUTs:
„Looking to change careers and making a return to formal education I chose to attend the studio programme at the BAI. The flexibility of the programme as well as the ethos was the initial attraction being unable to find anything similar in the UK. I wasn’t disappointed. My time there was instrumental in allowing me to develop a portfolio and secure a place at Chelsea College of Arts on the Grad. Dip fine art programme.
The studio programme at the BAI gave me the space and freedom to explore my artistic practice. With 24 hour access to studios I was able to create a schedule that worked for me rather than the other way around, this I found really conducive to my learning experience and creative production.
The international element of the programme creates a diverse and stimulating cohort. I have met people that have become firm friends and future collaborators. One of the most beneficial parts of the programme I found to be was the quality one-on-one time and access to a variety of creative practitioners. This was an invaluable experience and a wonderful opportunity to create networks outside of the BAI and form nurturing relationships beyond the programme. This something that I can look back on now that I am in formal art education in the UK and really appreciate.
What makes the BAI truly special though are Stephanie and Ralf. Inspiring, nurturing, supportive and engaging artists and educators. They really held my hand whilst I was learning to walk and my experience learning with them has had a monumental transformative impact on my practice. Giving me the much needed confidence to apply myself wholeheartedly to my future ambitions. Thank you BAI.“ (Testimonial von Demelza Woodbridge, 2016)