Take part in the BAI Studio Program and visit GALLERY WEEKEND BERLIN 2025

Enroll in Block 05 from April 28 – May 23, 2025

Explore the diverse and vibrant art scene of Berlin

Come on-site to BERLIN ART INSTITUTE and immerse & grow yourself in an arts residency with your international peers.

Each spring, a maximum of 55 Berlin galleries open exhibitions by emerging and established artists during Gallery Weekend Berlin, welcoming numerous visitors from around the world to the city.

You want to apply to one or several art universities, academies of fine art, or design colleges and require one or several artistic portfolios? Maybe you already have one but are not sure whether your works will meet the requirements of an admission exam.

The BERLIN ART INSTITUTE constantly offers portfolio courses and portfolio consultation.

In a portfolio consultation, we discuss each work of the portfolio and assist in making the best possible selection. We make suggestions regarding additional works to supplement the portfolio and give advice on which artistic position could be interesting for your own work. If you additionally need to get ready for a personal interview, we also offer consulting in this area to prepare you for the situation. A portfolio consultation lasts at least 1 hour and up to 3 hours. Dates upon agreement.

The portfolio course at the BAI provides a working table and a working atmosphere bringing you in contact and in an exchange with all BAI participants. In correspondence with the concept of the BAI, it is in our interest to support you in finding your own artistic path and personal form of expression. A successful portfolio is an authentic one that reveals your motivation and personality in an unmistakable way. No matter at which art university or academy you want to apply, your individuality is your visiting card. However, we cannot guarantee that you will receive a place at the university/academy.

The BAI provides personal and individual supervision with at least two consultations per week dedicated to your artistic development and production. So that you can concentrate on the production of your portfolio(s) without pressure, you have the possibility to extend your portfolio course by one month each time.

Our Program Structure

  • Check-in | Each block, the BAI starts with an introduction for the new participants, during which current thematic and organizational topics are discussed.

  • Individual and group meetings | The portfolio course includes weekly individual and group meetings dedicated to your artistic work.

  • Discourse | Thematic reflection on and discussion of the participants’ artistic works and additional positions.

  • Workshop (Guest Lecturer) | The Workshop conveys basics in experimental drawing, explorations in painting, sculptural processes, creative strategies, and exploring materials. This is a basic course for participants who have not yet started artistic training, but also for professionals.

  • Block seminar (Guest Lecturer) | A multi-day (online) seminar by a course instructor is held each block: he/she presents his/her artistic position or a specific topic and engages in a collaboration and an intensive exchange with our participants.

  • Visits | Twice a block we organize visits to studios, galleries, project spaces, exhibitions, museums, institutions, collections, or foundations that include discussions with the artists, gallerists, projects space operators, curators, collectors, if possible.

  • Lecture (Guest Lecturer) | Once a block, we invite a currently interesting speaker to deliver a lecture and to review works of our participants.

  • Coaching | Feedback, training and consulting for portfolio preparation and documentation, presentation and visualization of your own artistic work. The forum includes issues of mediation and self-organization.

  • Seminar Area and Reading Lounge | In addition to the personal workplaces the BAI provides an extra seminar space for lectures and talks and a small library.

  • Artistic practice | The structure of the portfolio course considers the need for sufficient time to work on one’s own art. This includes not only studio work but also research, idea generation, acquisition of material, experimentation, and also the scrapping of ideas and not least leisure time.

  • Work conditions | One major advantage of the BAI is its spatial structure that allows working in several rooms in small groups. This enables exchanging ideas at the workplace as well as concentration and calm.

  • Workplace | The studios of the BAI are available day and night for all participants of the portfolio course. The bright rooms are between 45 and 55 square meters large and around 3.5 meters high. They are equipped with working tables and chairs, overhead lighting, and light protection for the windows. Your personal workplace consists of a working table, chair and storage rack.
  • Kitchenette | for shared use

  • Certificate | The BERLIN ART INSTITUTE acknowledges your study stay with a certificate. For legal reasons, state-approved degrees may not be given.

The courses are conducted in English. On public holidays there is no program.

Our Block Dates

The program of the BERLIN ART INSTITUTE is structured in blocks of 4 calendar weeks (CW) each. It makes sense to start the Portfolio Course at the beginning of a four-week program block.

Working table, Accessible 24/7, Portfolio preparation, Including basic course

There is a one-off registration fee of 50 €.
1 Block = €1230 | 2 Blocks = €2460 | 3 Blocks = €3540 | 6 Blocks = €6780
9 Blocks = €9720 | 12 Blocks = €12360 | 13 Blocks (1 year) = €13390

The fees are VAT-exempt by the Governing Mayor of Berlin – Senate Chancellery Higher Education and Research pursuant to Paragraph 4 No. (21) (a)(bb) UStG (German Value Added Tax Act).

The registration & participation fee is payable immediately after the BAI confirms the successful acceptance in writing. Please do not make a payment before receiving a final confirmation and invoice by the BAI.

Single portfolio consultation on request

The fee is VAT-exempt by the Governing Mayor of Berlin – Senate Chancellery Higher Education and Research pursuant to Paragraph 4 No. (21) (a)(bb) UStG (German Value Added Tax Act).

If you have further questions related to the portfolio program, feel free to contact us.

Our Recent Events

  • Visit to CLAIRVOYANT at Atelier Jaquet
  • Visit to CLAIRVOYANT at Atelier Jaquet
  • Visit to CLAIRVOYANT at Atelier Jaquet
  • Visit to CLAIRVOYANT at Atelier Jaquet
  • Visit to CLAIRVOYANT at Atelier Jaquet

Visit to CLAIRVOYANT at Atelier Jaquet

March 5th, 2025|0 Comments

March 05, 2025, 3 pm Many thanks to the artist Katrin Jaquet welcoming our participants to ATELIER JAQUET and guiding us through the group exhibition CLAIRVOYANT within the framework of EMOP Berlin. The visit [...]